Hi, I’m Matt.
My beautiful wife, Julie, and I were recently married in 2016 and have four kids between us. We met volunteering at church and I knew immediately that she was the one for me.
Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, dance classes, running a few businesses #likeaVoss, writing a book, and raising a family keep us pretty busy, but we still manage to find time for reading, hiking, and being involved in our church.
#awesomeVossome Experience
I spent 10+ years working for my dad’s window cleaning company in Madison, Wisconsin.
He built it from the ground up and, naturally, I became an employee myself when I was very young. After school, I was a full-time window washer for dad’s “Radiant Home Service” and was also involved in some of the part-time janitorial endeavors.
Dad and I made a go of it until I decided to relocate to St. Louis for some adventure and he up and moved to Wyoming. The man loves his mountains, and he still washes windows out there on occasion.

The only business model that makes any sense to me is to always, always work to earn referrals and repeat business; I just keep it simple and give my clients what they want.
I show up, work #likeaVoss, and it always seems to work out for me in the end. People seem to appreciate honest, hard work; they tell their friends about it, and my business keeps growing every year.
One of the things I love about my day-to-day is that I get to feed my brain while I work. When I’m not making friends with my #awesomeVossome clients, I am listening to audio books #likeaVoss. I often cover a few fiction and non-fiction books each week on anything from theology and philosophy to finance and family.
I am a life-long learner #likeaVoss and I firmly believe that a day spent without learning anything is a day wasted. A wise mentor once told me that if you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backward!
The Plan
Self-employment: check. My goal is to spend as much quality time with my kids as I can before they’re all grown up. Being my own boss means I get to be there when they get off the school bus, which is #awesomeVossome.
I want to leave a character-driven legacy behind me for them to follow if they wish, or at least from which they can glean something to fuel their own passions.
They wouldn’t necessarily have to work for me like I chose to do for my dad, but the option can’t hurt, and working together would afford me more opportunities to continue teaching and coaching them through their teens and young adult lives.
Raising and leading my family is the most important work I will ever do. Boy, this is getting deep for a window washing website..
My ultimate goal is to someday retire into writing #likeaVoss. Writing is in my blood; my dad writes for the local Cody, Wyoming newspaper, my aunt (Ann Voss Peterson) writes action-packed spy/detective thrillers, and my grandmother (Carol Voss) writes inspirational, Christian romance. By all means, please click on their names to learn more about my #awesomeVossome family! Mark Twain once said, “It was then that I became a writer; I haven’t worked a day since.”
I love to write, if you hadn’t noticed, and I’m blessed to have an off-season in the winter where I get to put some focus there. Over Winter 2017, I created a website at letstalkaboutthat.net where I publish occasional articles to talk about whatever I feel the world needs to be said.
I like to write about anything that could end up helping someone some day- theology, overcoming adversity, success in relationships, and how I’ve benefited from my own experiences in my small corner of Planet Earth. I also write my thoughts about some of the books I read.
In general, my hope is to make the most of my life by helping others to make the most of theirs.
So there it is. If you want to talk windows, head on over to the contact page or just give me a call or text at (314)775-1080.
Talk to you soon!
Your friendly, neighborhood window washer,
-Matt Voss